Tuesday, April 24, 2012

If you want something done right...

...then you better do it yourself.

This is a blog of frustration.  Mine and maybe yours.  I don't know.  See, when I go on the internet, I like to imagine that there are other people out there like me.  People who are sifting through the Google results, searching for more news, more perspectives on infertility.  People who are struggling and want to find a supportive voice in the din.   But I have had some trouble finding me out there.  I wanted to find a blog (that web published voice in the electronic darkness), but not just any blog.  No, I had to make that one hard on myself.  I wanted one that was updated with some regularity.  It should be well written, a little funny, a tad sweet.  Sympathetic to the uniquely painful, never uninteresting world of infertility.  A journey through the myriad of emotions that not having a baby can bring to a person, a marriage, a life.

But here's the deal, yo.  I can't find them.  Oh sure, I can find infertility blogs.  But the writers are often in a different space than I am.  They currently have children and are trying to have another or they were once infertile and have now found success and have turned their blog into a pregnancy journal.  Or they are infertile and have taken a break from medical intervention for any number of reasons.  They stopped writing, or at least stopped writing things I want to read.  So if you want to find yourself on the internet, guess you have to put yourself on the internet.

How terribly lonely.

Oh well, though.  Here I am.  My name is Laura and welcome to my world.  I am twenty seven years old and my husband and I have been trying to conceive for about two years.  We are working with a fertility center in Rochester, NY (land of ice and snow) and are currently on round four of our IUI journey.  To be fair, I didn't ovulate in round one.  So while technically round four, this will only be our third round of insemination.  In any case, I have PCOS - or Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome.  The man has a lowish count and high morphology (i.e. - his soldiers are warped...)  The man and I have been married for four years.  We have seen family, friends, coworkers and the like get pregnant and prepare for number two (or three!) while we are still aching for one.  And let me tell you, that sucks.  But I digress.  I'll be checking in frequently with the whats and whens of our journey through infertility.  And hopefully I'll make some friends.  Or make a baby.  Whichever one works first...

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